
Showing posts with the label MSME

Resolving Diseconomies of scale

Resolving Diseconomies of scale   by Manoj Kumar Trivedi Founder Director & Business Mentor iGlobal Research and Analytics Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0)  through digitisation may accelerate production but cannot ensure productivity. Though by default it will reduce cost through labor, predictive maintenance and energy management to form a new standard,competition will continue to prevail in this VUCA world. UNIDO (United Nation Industries Development Organisation) has conceded the limitation of smart factory to accept, Smart Factory & digitisation cannot frame business strategy and manufacturing strategy. This makes them to suggest a major characteristic of IR 4.0 which has not been practiced or followed to its full strength by industries across globe. In not following Economic Value Engineering, following questions will continue to haunt  Organisations, CEOs & Business Leaders across globe:  a) Why Savings ac...